Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our Family is Patiently Waiting...

Hello Family and Friends! For those of you who don't know, we have been trying to expand our family for a few years now. After years of failed fertility treatments, we are refocusing our efforts - ADOPTION! We are thrilled to think that this could be the answer to our prayers and finally get that little brother or sister for Carson. We have been working with an extremely reputable agency, Adoption Associates, here in Michigan for about two years. While we haven't been chosen by a birth mother yet, we are hoping that maybe you could help us in our search. Part of the adoption process that our agency recommends is called networking. This simply means telling everyone we know about our situation and asking those people to tell everyone they know! The more people we talk to, the more chances we have in linking up with a potential birth mom. You may have a cousin, co-worker, friend, or acquaintance that may be in a difficult situation right now. We are looking for such a person to help. In exchange, we promise to provide an excellent home and family in which to grow and thrive! While we plan on some degree of openness with this adoption, we would like to remain anonymous meaning our last names and address would remain confidential. If you would like to help us in our search to complete our family, please forward this blog on to everyone you know. For any potential birth moms out there, we will be updating this blog and also providing a phone number for our agency and email contact in order to make contacting us as simple as possible. Blogging is new to us, so bear with us while we experiment with this "new fangeled" technology! Thanks in advance for any help you can give us in our search!


Cam said...
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Anonymous said...

You two (and Carson) are the BEST!!! I know there is a birth mother out there that will fall in love with all of you the minute she meets you! I know your child will have the best life, too! I will keep saying prayers for you, your potential birth mother and ALL birth mothers. Love, Molly